WILLOW has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Willow! Once upon a time there was a young Husky girl, known to her friends as Willow. She started life in a home...
KENZIE has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Kenzie! The name Kenzie means 'fair one' and as you can tell by my ginger coat, that's not far off the mark. ...
PHOENIX has found his furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Phoenix! Like a mythical bird that has risen from the ashes, I too am reinventing myself and looking to start my...
LUNA has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Luna!! I don't howl at the Moon, people - I AM the Moon! Well, goddess of the Moon according to ancient Roman...
YURA has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Yura! I was given my name because Yura is Inuit eskimo for ‘one who is beautiful’ and often used to refer to...
DIZZY has found his furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Dizzy! Here I am, ladies! I know lots of you have been eagerly awaiting the day my adoption profile pops up on...
LILLY has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Lilly! Lilies are the flowers that symbolize humility and devotion. I might have an extra “L” in my name, but...
MIKA has found her furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Mika! They say a Husky never really grows up and, well, I would have to agree. My microchip says that I'm 9...
PANA has found his furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Pana! Weird name, huh? Yeah I see you thinking that, but you see ‘Pana’ is a Venezuelan word meaning buddy or...
MEEKO has found his furrytail ending!
Happy furrytail ending, Meeko! Every kid needs a fluffy little wiseass sidekick. And maybe I can be yours? You've all seen Pocahontas,...