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BOSTON has found his furrytail ending!

Boston's foster Mum, Tamara is a diehard Malamute fan and has adopted several senior Mallies over the many years that we've known her. Wolf, Rory, Skye & Kia (a SHAMROQ foster with whom Tamara just couldn't part) have all gained their wings now, but her heart still remained with the breed. She knew that someday when the right dog came along, she would welcome another Malamute into her life.

In the meantime, she volunteered to foster again for us in order to give a dog in need a temporary place to crash. She surprised us all when the crazy Mally lady agreed to help us with a Husky, of all things!

Having lost an eye to glaucoma, Boston will require eye drops for the rest of his days, to ensure that he keeps the remaining eye. Let's just say that Bossy isn't the 'sit down and take it' kinda guy. In fact, he can be downright obnoxious, so eye drops are a two-person job! Tamara and her brother, Craig teamed up to get this old fellow into a routine and despite him not really enjoying it, he tolerates it because he loves them both dearly.

When it was time to have Boston's adoption photos done by the lovely Kelly of Hairypants Photography, we teed up the photo shoot with Tamara and asked if she'd be able to make it. "We'll be there", she said. "Did you think I'd foster-fail again?" Our reply was, "With a Husky? Hell no!"

Seven months after that photo shoot, Tamara conceded defeat. She had, indeed, fallen in love with a Husky and there wasn't a damn thing that she could do about it, but make it official. Making a dyed-in-the-wool Malamute lover switch teams is a testament to what a special boy Boston (aka Bossy Boots aka Derpy McDerp) truly is. (For the record, Tamara, we don't believe you've completely switched...we still forsee Malamutes sometime in your future!)

We thank the amazing duo of Sonya & Chris, who have sponsored this adorable senior gent during his time with us. Their generous donations have covered his medications and surgeries to remove old-man lumps & bumps. He still loves his games of tag and daily jaunts, so we don't see him slowing down anytime soon...especially with Tamara and Craig fawning over him and making him the centre of attention.

Happy furrytail ending, Boston!

Hey, listen here, Sonny Jim and I shall explain to you how it was back in my day. When I was a wee lad, there were no doggy daycare centres or mobile grooming salons. You stayed at home with your masters and you got washed in sunlight soap. Now that I'm in my golden years, I have learned to like all these new-fangled ways of doing things...but there are still some old habits I won't shake off!


These days it's time for me to find my retirement home, although I don't think I'm slowing down any. No siree, don't think I won't remind you when walkies time comes around twice a day! I'm a solo guy and won't learn to share my home with another dog or cat this late in life, but I'll need people. They are the holders of the butt scratches, the faces to kiss and, most importantly, they hold the other end of my treasured lead. I like my people to be around as much as possible, but if you must go out for a few hours here & there, I'll sing you a farewell song and be your one man welcoming committee when you return.

My walkies time isn't just about me - it's also about my people too. I'm not interested in climbing fences or digging tunnels. That's far too much effort at my age. Fences need only be 4ft and secure to keep me content at home. But leave a gate or door open and I'll be that naughty little old man who likes to take off from the nursing home.


Don't look at my age and think I'm past it. There's plenty of mischief in this old boy yet! Of course, a few things have caught up with me and I've lost an eye due to a medical condition. My other eye requires daily eye drops which I'm not a fan of, but we can come to some mutual agreement there. Given that I'm set in my ways and can have my cranky old man moments, I'm best around people who want to play and go walking but also know when to give me space and let me nap. I do have bursts of bouncy Husky energy, so no young children or older people that I may accidentally knock over.


In retirement, there are really only a handful of things I seek. Walkies, cuddles, walkies, cheese, treats, walkies, tummy rubs and walkies. Oh, and don't forget the walkies.

QLD Supply # BIN0000139144842

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