BAGHEERA has found his furrytail ending!

Baggie has decided he wanted the tropical life and headed to Cairns to live with the Clarke family. Sadly, only days before he was due to flu to his new home, the Clarkes lost their beloved Husky girl, Kiara. We hope that Baggie is helping heal a little of the hurt and carries on her legacy.
I must admit there were tears when I placed this little guy into his airline crate and said my goodbyes. He was my favourite, with his laid back nature mixed with a streak of cheek, and his love of cuddles. From update photos that the Clarkes have sent me, I see he still loves those cuddles but is growing like a weed and might not be able to be picked up much longer!
Happy furrytail ending, Bagheera!

ABOUT ME: When I was born, within minutes Foster Mum was saying, “Oh we have a live wire on our hands here!” But as time has gone on, I have taken to my name and am as cool as a cat. Well mostly, I am still a Husky! But these days if Foster Mum wants to just sit and cuddle, I am her go to man. I am probably the most chilled of the group, but still enjoy my play time and a good wrestle. My little bark signals that it is time for game on! THE GENERAL INFORMATION: We know the first thing you thought was “OMGEEEEEEEE PPPUUUUPPPIIEEEESSSS”. And yes, that is a completely normal reaction. But we are true Huskies in all senses of the word and will require the standard Husky-suitable homes.
We have shown our abilities when it comes to climbing and digging. For those reasons, any new homes will be required to have a minimum of 5ft secure fences. We are still very small and crafty, do not under estimate us! So for the next little while, we will require a safe puppy pen, crate or enclosure should you need to go out, we cannot be left unattended in the yard just yet.
We have shown our abilities when it comes to climbing and digging. For those reasons, any new homes will be required to have a minimum of 5ft secure fences. We are still very small and crafty, do not under estimate us! So for the next little while, we will require a safe puppy pen, crate or enclosure should you need to go out, we cannot be left unattended in the yard just yet. For the past 8 weeks or so, we have known our Mum and our siblings. Being the breed we are, we would flourish in a home with another doggy companion who could handle being jumped on and climbed all over. Cos that is what we do. Husky play is rough and we are some of the best! Of course being young, we can be brought up in a home and taught to live alongside pesky things such as cats, they will be fun to chase though. If we are to be the only dog, that would be considered as long as someone is home more often than not. All of us will need to attend puppy preschool, and the SHAMROQ girls can help out with some recommendations for that. We have a whole life ahead of us and it will be up to you to mould us into the perfect canine citizens. Well as perfect as a Husky gets anyway, we are always going to be a challenge!!