SPARK has found his furrytail ending!

There was a lot of interest in this debonair gentleman. Sure, his looks are traffic-stopping, but it's his personality that really blows people away. His foster Mum, Lisa, who swore black and blue that she wasn't looking for a permanent family member, even ummed and ahhed about whether he should stay with her! After much discussion between us about the many applications and each one might be a match for Spark, Lisa helped us to choose someone that she thought could give him the home that he dreamed of. That lucky lady was Janelle, who came down from Rockhampton to meet Spark and see if he might like to be big brother to her Husky girl, Maya. The meeting was the stuff of fairytales, with Spark & Maya hitting it off like they'd known each other forever. Lisa, through happy tears, knew that she'd made the right decision to let Spark go when she saw him with his new family. We are so grateful to Lisa for welcoming him into her home. We know that it was very tough to say goodbye, but her fostering experience was a positive one, having shared it with this beautiful boy and helped to get him into a loving forever home. Thank you to Lisa and congratulations to Janelle.
Happy furrytail ending, Spark!

A spark is many things, but can be described as a small amount of a quality or intense feeling…. Well you are feeling a few things reading this and seeing my glamour shots aren’t you? Maybe some awe, a slight hint of affection and a dose of fascination – you are only human! I am in one word – perfection…. Loving and affectionate, gentle and kind, and just a pleasure to have around. I am ever so careful with everyone I meet, young or old. I will always calmly greet new people, but I do really want to give them all kisses! I am also very tolerant with other dogs that I meet. I currently live with a foster husky sister and we are joined at the hip! I do prefer those that aren’t so in my face and happy to just hang out and chat. I have not been introduced to any smaller dogs or pocket pets though, so any of those will need to be able to be kept separate. Despite being a husky, I have shown no interest on escaping. I am happy to patiently wait for you to come home and let me fill you in on my day. 5ft fences should be just fine to keep me safely in my yard. Though when you are home, I will need to be able to be inside with you – I am family after all. My mother obviously taught me my manners. I am very polite and will sit, wait for my food, wait to cross the road and hardly ever pull on lead. I sit calmly in the car, even though car rides are one of my favourite things – we almost always go somewhere exciting! I love treats and affection too – almost anything that my people give to me! And walks – oh walks. They are fun too, but they only need to be a casual daily stroll to keep me happy, none of this hard work business! What I am really looking for is a loving home where I can be inside with my people and be treated just like one the family. EndFragment