KIA has found his furrytail ending!

When we were looking for a foster carer for Kia, Tamara was our number one choice. Having adopted two Mallies in their twilight years prior to her current girl, Skye (a relative spring chicken at only 5 years old), she has a definite soft spot for the oldies. Tamara was upfront with us that while Kia could stay for as long as it took for his forever family to come along, she wasn't in a position to adopt another dog permanently. Also, she had just lost her kitty companion of 18 years and was looking forward to welcoming another cat once Kia (who isn't pocket pet friendly) was adopted.
Isn't it funny when the universe throws a big, furry spanner in the works of best-laid plans? That's right, imagine Tamara's surprise when she realised that cuddlebug Kia had firmly ensconced himself into their little family and wasn't going anywhere. So here's to a future filled with love and as many of his favourite freshly baked apple teacakes as he can manage.
Happy furrytail ending, Kia!

Happy, playful, loving, cheeky, chatty…of course an 11 year old dog can be all these things! My senior citizen status just means that I’ve had more years of practice being awesome…and yep, I think I’ve mastered it. In typical Malamute fashion, people are the centre of my universe and I adore company. I want and deserve someone who will return all the love I have to give. Although I was raised as an outside dog, check me out now, would you? My foster Mum is rightly of the opinion that a dog of my age has earned a little spoiling, so I’m quickly acclimatising to life inside the house with a warm bed and lot of cuddles. It didn’t take me long to work out that one look into these soulful (but goofy!) eyes and she is putty in my paws. Since she’s a talented baker, guess who gets to lick the bowls? Uh-huh, that’s right. Side note: apple tea cakes are my favourite, please and thank you.
​I was brought up as the only dog in my household and this would continue to suit me just fine, being lavished with your undivided love and attention. However, in my foster home, I am learning to share with another dog. Initially, we weren’t sure that we liked each other, but then she put me in my place and I’ve been a total lamb ever since. Sigh…men the world over will know what I mean when I say that sometimes you just have to give in and say ‘yes, dear’. If you have a medium to large, easygoing female, I’d be keen to meet her and see if we can form a friendship. Maybe another playful senior citizen like me? I’ll need a home without cats, birds or other small animals though. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because I’m old and large, I’m slow. Time starts to wind backwards at a rate of knots when there’s something small and tasty on offer and I become a spring chicken again. Mmmmm…did someone say chicken?? In my previous home, I lived with a little boy from birth. With supervision of course, I will be suited to a family with children who are respectful of my age. I will never say no to pats and gentle affection but would not like to be sat on or squeezed too hard…please teach your children lovely manners and I will use my manners too. As to be expected at my age, I have some arthritis but my foster Mum is helping lessen any effects with a daily stroll around the neighbourhood. You see, I’m a little *ahem* rotund, so losing weight will be beneficial to take some of the pressure off my hips and legs. I’m not exactly running partner material these days, but I adore my short walk every day and I’m very good on-leash (until I see a cat, that is!) I much prefer walking to car trips – those things make me nervous.
​ I’m a Malamute, so it goes without saying that I was born with loads of personality. Have you ever met a boring Malamute? Don’t be silly, of course you haven’t! We think we’re human (and if you look into our eyes sometimes, you could swear that there was a person inside this big fluffy dog suit). I like a friendly chat with the neighbours and enjoy singing (usually welcoming you home with a song or joining in the chorus with passing sirens). There’s plenty of life in these old bones yet, don’t you worry about that!