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NAKITA (now Niku) has found her furrytail ending!

When Nakita was writing a wish list for what her new home would be like, she never could have dreamed of the perfect place that was waiting just around the corner.

She wished for a home with another doggy brother or sister. Well, she ended up with THREE!

She hoped that her new Mum would take her to puppy preschool and teach her how to be the best dog she can be. Umm...that new Mum is actually a respected dog trainer.

And lastly, Nakita cheekily asked for toys to play with and things to keep her clever little Husky puppy brain busy. Sooooo, the fact that her new Mum owns a pet toy and enrichment store may have just been icing on the cake!

Big congratulations to Kay and her happy little tribe of Bill, Luca and Maui on adding this little treasure to their household. If you pop in to Chew Chomp and Chill, you may just meet one or more of this beautiful pack.

We thank Jodie & Jason for fostering Nakita (no named Niku) and readying her for her wonderful new family.

Happy furrytail ending, Niku!

Hai!! What's your name? My name's Nakita, but all my friends call me Kita - it's easier, huh? Did you see my pictures? Charlotte Reeves Photography's photos make me look like a big girl but really I'm only little. I'm nearly half a year old.


I had a wonderful family but unfortunately my fur made my poor human sister sick, so I said I didn't want her to feel bad 'cos of me. Now the SHAMROQ Mummies are going to help me find another good home, but this time where I don't make anyone sneeze.


I love cuddles and being with you in the house all the time, so my new family and any skin brothers or sisters must want to spend lots of time with me. Little humans are okay but I'm just a baby myself and sometimes forget that I'm not allowed to nip them like I used to when excitedly playing with my littermates.

I have a biiiiiggg foster doggy brother in my foster home now. I like him even though I sometimes make him mad when I steal his stuff. It scares me a little bit when big doggies get mad or come too close but, once I know they're nice, playing with them is lots of fun. I'd like a playful doggy brother or sister in my new home please, to keep me company if you go to work during the day time.


Chasing little animals is a fun pass time, especially when they run away fast and I have to try to catch them. I haven't met any kitty cats, but I think they'd be fun to chase too. Being a baby though, if you have lots of time to show me how to like them, then maybe I could. Can't promise anything, though.


If you wanna take me home, you gotta remember that I'm just little and still learning lots. I'm a smarty pants though and learn quickly. I'll need to go to school maybe too. I'm still a Husky who are known to be Houdinis so fences need to be kinda big and tall for when I get older. I love my people lots and don't like being left alone much so, if you have to go out, either leave me inside, have secure fences, or take me with you. Car rides are fun!!

QLD Supply # BIN0000139144842

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